8 March 2012


reference: R172
Location:London, United kingdom
contact: Elizabeth Ndhlovu
job title: residential home carers

job description:
we need people with the following skills:

  • flexible to meet client needs and assisting with physical and practical supports
  • one to one out reach worker in the community
  • working on person centred planning
  • continuing care
  • end of life care
  • good listening skills to understand the needs of the clients and how they wish to be assisted
  • good manners, polite and courteous
please fill out the application from here or call 0208 715 6392 for more details 

3 Summer steps for healthy living
  • Be good to your Eyes:

To protect your vision at work and at play, wear protective eye wear. When outdoors wear sunglasses tht block at least 99% of ultraviolet A and B rays, sunglasses can help prevent cataracts as well as wrinkles around the eyes.
  • Get outside to exercise:
Pick one outdoor activity such as going on a like talking a nature walk, playing games such as tag with your kids, cycling, roller blading or swimming to shed that cooped feeling of gym workouts.
  • Floss daily:
You know you need to now its time to start flossing every single day, do it at your own leisure time. When flossing you are reducing oral bacteria, which improves overall body health.


7 March 2012

3 ways to triple your workout effectiveness

Limit your workouts to 30-40 minutes:

  • Through the tendency of some people who really want to get more from their work out, the truth is 30-40 minutes can be enough than making yourself go through countless hours on one area of your body. to go for hours and be going at a low intensity workout means your going for hours but your not achieving what your really looking for so its better to go for a higher intensity for a short period of time.
Balance lifting:
  • instead of having an exercise where you're sitting down  or holding on to something or otherwise stabilized, i think it would be more effective to do them standing up, on one leg or on an exercise ball. These types of exercises force you to balance yourself while lifting, which brings your core muscles into play this will give you an overall stronger body.
Good Form:
  • for strength training and swimming, form is a very important but its also important for other exercise. if you're in the gym and you plan on doing strength training start of with lighter weights so you can work your way up and keep your form standard high. "help tip: never sacrifice form for a heavier weight try maintain and keep on building up your form till your ready to carry out heavier weights"   
As Britain's National Health care celebrates its new technology and how its revolutionising old methods in a drive for greater efficiency.

We all know the NHS has come a long way since its inception
we all remember the old fashioned X-rays that took time to develop its images and it existed as an artefact that had to be physically passed around to everyone who needs it. Speech recognition was introduced and which came with a specialised medical dictionary that automatically adds notes directly to the image it also cut out the need of dictation so forth eliminating typing errors.
The benefits of having Wi-Fi in your hospital. 
once you've got your Wi-Fi set up in a hospital, you can do anything with it apart from sending patient records around. Doctor's need equipment that is mobile that's why if you have the Wi-Fi in your hospital you can track down every piece of equipment you need.
5 tips to healthy eating and physical activity for you.

  • start your day with a breakfast 

breakfast fills your "empty tank" to get you going after a long night without food. and it can help you do better in school. easy to prepare breakfasts include cold cereal with fruit and low fat milk, whole wheat toast with peanut butter, yogurt and a fruit, whole grain waffles or even last nights pizza ! 
  • get moving 

its easy so fit easy physical activities into your daily routine. walk, ride or jog to go see friends.take a 10 minute activity break every hour while you read, do your homework or watching the television. Climb stairs instead of taking the elevator or escalator. Try to do these things for a total 30 minutes everyday.
  • Snack Smart 

snacks are a great way to refuel. choose snacks from different food groups - a glass of low fat milk and a few graham crackers, an apple or celery sticks with peanut butter and raisins, or some dry cereal .if you eat smart at other meals, cookies, chips, and candy are OK for occasional snaking.
  • work up a sweat 

vigorous work outs when your breathing hard sweating help your blood pump better gives you more energy and help you feel at you look and feel at your best. Start with a warm up that stretches your muscles. include 20 minutes of aerobic activity, such as running, jogging or dancing. follow up by activities that would make you feel stronger such as push ups and lifting weights. then cool down with more stretching and deep breathing.
  • balance your food choices - don't eat eat too much for any one thing

you don't have to give up food such as hamburgers, french fries and ice cream to eat healthy. you just have to be smart about how often and how much of them you eat. your body needs nutrients  like protein, carbohydrates, fat and many other vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C and A, iron and calcium from a variety of foods. balancing food choices from the food guide pyramid and checking out the nutrition facts panel and food labels will help you get all these nutrients.

    6 March 2012

    Our Services

    Our promise and commitment to our customers is to:
    • Provide you with good quality, professional, dedicated health and social care personnel who receive regular training so as to maintain evidence-based practice.
    • Offer you a 24-hour rapid response service everyday throughout the year.
    • Ensure that personnel arrive for duty on time, presentable and with knowledge of the area they work in. Inform you well in advance of any staff delays when reporting for work.
    • Provide an opportunity for regular appraisal (monitoring and evaluation of our services) so as to ensure that the quality and standard of work is in line with your expectations.